Monday, January 20, 2020

TITHES & FIRSTFRUITS... The Christian SCAM (WARNING For Perpetrators)

1. Only the Priest, a Levite of the House of Israel was authorized to take tithes from the people. No Pastor, Bishop, Evangelist, apostle, prophet ever collected tithes because they were not authorized to do so by The Most High. (Nehemiah 10:37-38)
2. Since temple worship has ceased, so has Tithe and Firstfruit collection ceased until the Saviour returns, who will restore the priesthood and temple worship.
3. Tithes and firstfruits were received from only Israelites only at the place YAH chose to put his name, the temple in Jerusalem. (Deut 14:23, 2Chron 6:6)
4. Only landowners who grew crops and livestock tithed of their harvest, the Savior who was a carpenter couldn't have paid didn't tithes. (Leviticus 27:30,32)
5. Money was not given as tithe. Tithes were in seeds, fruits, livestock, and other agricultural produce. You were penalized for bringing money as the tithe. (Leviticus 27:30-32)
6. The tither, together with the fatherless, the widows, the stranger, and the Levite (who had no land, or business) all came to the temple to eat the tithe and be satisfied. (Deut 14:23,29)
7. FIRSTFRUITS... that one is a whole new level of fraud.
8. Did Abraham and Jacob pay tithes as Christians do today?
These and many more in this video for those who love to know and walk in truth. For those who will continue in this deceit, there is a warning for you.

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